Martinshaw Woods Cross Country Report

Round 3 of the cross country league at Martinshaw Woods near Groby was another classic. There was technical running through woods with plenty of mud and water to contend with. There was mud – quite a bit of mud. We had the best showing for a cross country race for some time with the welcome return of a number our club members. Everyone put in a strong effort on one of the longest races of the season and we got great results with full Women’s and Men’s teams. As well as the running – we had a lot of fun and the cakes were fab as always. Well done everyone! See you at Ravenstone for Round 4. Here are the results:
April Clough: 60th
Jacqui Williamson: 64th
Rachel Cornes: 67th
Claire Kiffin: 74th
Kat Smith: 106th
Sharon Elliot: 111th
Helen Stinchcombe: 146th
Phillip Higgs: 69th
Nick Halford: 131st
Phil Leaney: 138th
Jonathan Wortley: 143rd
Richard Bibb: 151st
Craig Stinchcombe: 170th
Stuart Hunter: 209th
Steve Williams: 217th
David Bottomley: 220th
Paul Tebbutt: 238th