Joining SRC

Shepshed Running Club is a friendly local running club that welcomes adult runners of all ages and abilities.
See the ‘Run With Us‘ Page for details of our training nights.

There is no need to join straight away, come and run with us for a few weeks first. When you do, please sign-in with your name,. contact details and any health conditions we need to be aware of.

We do not have a junior section so all members have to be 18 years old or above.

When you are ready, then you can become a member:-

Becoming a Member

  1. Read our club rules and policies – by applying for membership you are agreeing to follow and support these rules and policies. Please contact us with any queries.
  2. Complete a Membership Form and return to Dave Hattersley, either printed or by email (see below)
  3. Make a payment as detailed below.

Membership Fees

SRC membership runs from 1st April each year for one year.
There are two options:-

  • Standard membership – £20
  • Standard membership including UK Athletics (EA) Registration – £40

For members joining between October and March, the Standard Membership reduces to – £10

Standard Membership Benefits

  • Regular club runs
  • Access to the Club’s closed Facebook group
  • League races (e.g. Leicestershire Road Running League and Derby Runner Cross Country League)
  • Club Social Events throughout the year
  • Affiliated rates at Association of Running Club (ARC) races
  • Support and encouragement from friendly and experienced runners
  • Attend the Annual General Meeting to help shape the future of the club

UK Athletics Registration Benefits

  • Affiliated (i.e. discounted) rates at UK Athletics races
  • Entry into the club ballot for a London Marathon Place when applicable (the runner must have tried to enter through the London Marathon ballot and been rejected)
  • Eligibility for the UK Athletic Nationwide / County races .

Second Claim Runners

We sometimes have members who run competitively with other clubs in the area but still wish to run with us on club nights.  We are a social running club and welcome anybody to run with us.  If you wish to run with us as a second claim you are very welcome but we would still ask you to pay the yearly club membership but your EA membership has to go through your first claim club.

Payment Details

Fees can be paid by online, by cheque or cash

Bank Details for Payment by BACs: –

  • Provide your name as reference
  • Bank Sort Code 09-01-54 
  • Bank Account Number 38551087 

Cheque made payable to “Shepshed Running Club” 

Please hand your completed membership form in at a club night, or post it / e mail to:- 

  • David Hattersley Membership Secretary
    24 Ashby Road Central
    LE12 9BS
