- Entrants are required to abide by the Race Rules and marshals’ directions.
- Runners must wear their official race number on the front of their person, where it must be visible at all times.
- Unregistered runners, walkers or pacers are not allowed.
- Runners who are registered with England Athletics or a member of a Club Affiliated to the Association of Running Clubs shall be liable to the “Affiliated” (Lower) entry fee. Unaffiliated runners are liable for the “Unaffiliated” (Higher) fee. Any runner who claims registration by membership of a club when not such a member shall be disqualified and will not have any entry fees refunded.
- Shepshed Running Club does not tolerate the use of aggressive or abusive language towards our organisers, marshals, officials, volunteers or other runners. If inappropriate behaviour is displayed, the runner shall be disqualified and will not have any entry fees refunded.
- By participating in the event, you acknowledge and agree that personal information can be stored and used by the event organisers in connection with the organisation, promotion and administration of the event and for the compilation of statistical information.
- In the event of any dispute, the decision of the Race Referee and Race Director shall be final.
- Runners are required to collect their number and chip on the day of the race
- The race cut off time is 2hrs from the main start. Once that time has been completed the course and finish area will be dismantled. Runners who have not completed the course will be asked to withdraw from the event.
Race Entry
- No entries on the day
- 7-mile entrants must be 16 or over on the day. Entrants may be asked to provide proof of age.
- No refund can be given if you decide not to take part or if the race has to be cancelled or postponed due to
circumstances outside the race organisers’ control. - Entries can be transferred to another person via the Entries Website. Any transfers that occur within 5 days of the
race date may not be reflected in the official race results or any publication before, on or after the race date. - Participants cannot defer their entry to the following year(s)
- Entrants participate in the race at their own risk and undertake not to take part unless they are medically fit to run the race and expecting to complete the course within 90 minutes – noting the cut off time of 2 hours.
- The race organisers, sponsors, charities, suppliers and/or their agents will not be liable for any injury, loss or expense that may arise in consequence of your participation in this event.
- Participants must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- All runners are required to complete the personal, contact and health details form on the back of their race number.
- Race marshals and medical team members have the authority to stop and remove any runner they consider to be acting dangerously, or to be unfit to compete.
- The wearing of headphones, or similar devices, (other than those medically prescribed, is not permitted. Any persons doing so will be asked to remove them and if they persist will be disqualified
- Shepshed Running Club cannot allow participants to run with dogs, prams, pushchairs or cycle support. The course is not suitable for wheelchairs, prams, pushchairs or other wheeled vehicles.
- For the portion of the route that is on the public highways, runners are expected to run on the pavement and observe the Highway Code.
- Runners are required to give assistance to fallen runners and to report any casualties immediately to the nearest first aid post or race marshal.
- Prizes will be based on runners Gun Times (Not Chip Times).
- Team results will be based on finishing position (Not Times).
- Teams prizes are awarded to the lowest total finishing positions of the top three runners from the same club / team. To count, runners must have included their club/team information on the entry system before the race has started.
- One prize per entrant (excluding Spot and Team Prizes). If an individual is eligible for two or more prizes the highest value prize will be awarded. If the two prizes are of equal value, the higher placing prize will be awarded. The remaining prize(s) will be awarded to the next eligible entrant.